Growth Mindset
Fixed vs. Growth Mindset (and yet...) ![]() | |
Touching a few topics on "Growth Mindset" a concept from Carol Dwek, I will share a bit of what I have learned from the small videos that I was able to watch this weekend. First, I had heard of the idea and was even taught a little bit about it in a parenting class that I had taken a few years back at my eldest daughter's childcare facility. I was intrigued by the idea then and am renewed in my curiosity with it now. Though, I would like to mention that I hadn't heard her name previously...
In particular, I found "The Power of Yet" to be fascinating. It does seem to place a more positive label to aspects which would regularly provide a more negative connotation. I have failed many classes at OU for one reason or another, as well as my lower division courses that I had taken at OCCC. Not passing those classes always felt discouraging and... well, just down right made me feel stupid- which I am not.
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Now, my options were to give up and find another dream or to try again. I chose to try again, despite my many attempts at, "not yet" status. Each person out here has their own identity, learning curve, and qualities about them: Regardless of what those examples might be, what society is inclined to show concern for are the results- not the process.
I enjoyed so much Carol's emphasis on the process, because truly, that is the "heart" of what makes success a success, or otherwise, a mere "checking the box" on some to-do list. I am super proud of anyone who can sit through college and get there degree! What I do show extra compassion and support for are those who don't fit the standard college student frame and overcome all of the obstacles and challenges that were placed in their way.
One of the critics on Carols' "Growth Mindset" was this idea of opportunity, by Dave Paunesku. He talked more of the deficit and how the environmental factors//opportunities for each person is of greater affect than a simple labeling of someone's mind, which in my scenario, is oh so true. It isn't that I have a deficit in my mentality for progressing forward in life, it's is more so that there are sincere obstacles that just so happen to effect what it is I can and cannot accomplish within a certain time frame, and what is even better is it's OKAY to try again.
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