Topic Brainstorm
Brainstorming Project Topics:
When going through the lists pf possible topics that I could use for my storybook, these four stuck out to me the most and quickly: death stories, love stories, women of the epics, and my favorite- dharma. idea-death-stories.html |
Death Stories: The appeal of writing up a storybook that can capture the attention of readers seems important and intriguing. I do not have much knowledge of a majority of these topics, but I would like to learn and am willing to do so. Paying attention to the dramatics of perishing, as well as the consequences of this, are so very interesting. I wonder what makes//encourages//inspires people to act in certain fashions; I hop that the search through all these stories can help do that also. Yama, the Hindu God of death is certainly a good starting place and wildly fascinating.
Love Stories: Who doesn't love a good Love Story. The Epics of India certainly have no shortage of curiosities within the "Love" variety. Even in our first reading of the Ramayana we saw the love of Vishnu, tearing himself apart into quarters so that King Dasharatha could finally have a son- what a surprise to receive four sons! The subject of love turned cold within me over the course of the last few years and has only recently felt the slightest embers of rekindling hope of this kind. (At least for me, anyway.) I am curious how love evolves and dissolves, the study sounds enlightening and possibly even redemptive. We shall see.
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Women of the Epics: Being an epic woman myself, (Ha!) I can't ever seem to get enough joy from readings of heroic women, their motives, and outcomes of strivings. It is so often that I have felt this sort of gloom and doom regarding my efforts. Will any of it ever amount to anything? Does the good guy ever get the girl? Could I? And so on, and so on some more... Yes, women of the epics would be a grand adventure of its own degree. I mean, Draupadi sounds spectacular and I have my own hunger for nerdy comics.
Dharma: Living a life of what feels like perpetuating turmoil and tragedy, it is has become some sort of coping, or was, to surrender to that suffering and endure till the dawn may rise. One of those hot topics or consolations, as it were, for these horrors were the ever present, "Karma is ten fold." and, "The poetic justice for this will come and so will the regrets." I don't know, the more I type these things out the more bitter I sound. (and likely feel!) I don't imagine myself to be a woman who seeks revenge... The most prominent feature of exploring the dharma of these epics is the eternal sunrise or lifting- the balance that is to come. There is something magical, warming, and even comforting- the knowing that all of this adds up to something.
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Sarvodaya Lotus- |
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