Extra Reading

Palace of Illusions: (2)

So, I am at the part of the book where Draupadi talks of her husband's extra wives. This is particularly fascinating for me because I never could understand how a woman could adhere to the polygamy of a spouse, where the wife was meant to stay monogamous. That just seems ridiculous a notion, and completely disrespectful. 

Draupadi and Husbands

What Draupadi explains is her large tantrums in opposition to her husbands taking new wives, though she notes in secrecy that her jealousies were largely farce, because she knew realistically that she couldn't expect her husbands to be celibate in the years that she was required to bed her other husbands. Wow, what a concept! 

Bibliography: Palace of Illusions, Chitra Divakaruni


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