Story Lab

Internal Motivation

Advice to Writers

This website is so interesting and helpful. I am a writer and feel the weight of limitations often. I don't know many writers personally, though I am dating a writer, and sometimes it feels like it is a very solitary lifestyle- living in the realm of my imagination. I also especially enjoy this image to the right here. -----> 
Oh, the amount of excuses and just toiling one can do, to avoid the truth of simply needing to be internally motivated. I hear this and see this too often. It doesn't singularly apply to writing efforts either, but with many variables of existence! 

The advisory notes that I got from 30 minutes of reading on the site were these:

  • The characters arrive first, then you build the world from that. 
  • Realize what it is that you need to release your imagination. Do you need quiet or chaos, music, what environment helps you be the best, creatively?
  • The 'draft' is an anachronism- Oh, this is absolute GOLD. Golly, I wish I could place more emphasis on this. I here and see that people utilize drafts as this sort of way to put messy and sloppy concepts on paper. I just find that absolutely counter-intuitive. START with something good. Then, you get to make it better and better. 
  • Keeping the dialogue of your character, in character
  • The common element of much advice that we receive is persistence- an overwhelming determination to succeed. 💙
  • Writing isn't always intended to be sedentary. Being in motion is stimulating to the soul. 
  • Preserve the unities of time and space! <--- The professor catches me on this A LOT, But oh, this is so important to do! Stay in the same tenses, eras, etc. I cannot say that enough and I need to pay attention to that much more often. 


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